An advance payment is required to confirm the reservation.
The condition for making a reservation in our hotel is an advance payment of 30% - 100% of the entire cost of the stay up to 3 days (or within the time limit set by the reception) from the date of booking or sending the booking confirmation. The amount of the earnest money is determined on the basis of the chosen date and length of stay.
The remaining amount must be paid at the hotel reception on the day of arrival.
When making a reservation by e-mail or by phone, please pay the advance payment to the following account:
Bank Spółdzielczy Ziem Górskich Karpatia w Bukowinie Tatrzańskiej
Bank account number: PLN: 67879100090000001258590001
Bank account number: EUR: 56879100090000001258590005
Burkaty Marcin Burkat
Ul. Środkowa 252 A
34-405 Białka Tatrzańska
woj. małopolskie
The transfer name should include the name and surname of the person booking the accommodation or the name and surname of the person for whom it is reserved, and the dates of the beginning and end of their stay at the hotel.
In the case of foreign transfers, you will find the missing data below:
IBAN: PL 87 1930 1826 2640 0618 6306 0001
In the case of online booking through our website or through other partner systems, the earnest money should be paid according to the available payment methods.
You can pay by card in our hotel.
Conditions of reservation:
The payment of the earnest money is tantamount to acceptance of the regulations.
The earnest money can be used to pay for another stay (up to 6 months from the date of cancellation) in the event of cancellation within 21 days before arrival.
If the guest does not arrive at the hotel or the reservation is cancelled (after the designated period), the entire earnest money will be forfeited.
If an invoice is issued to a company or to an individual person using their specific data, the guest should notify the Hotel about this fact before making the payment.
If no payment is made within the determined period, the hotel can cancel the reservation without informing the guests.